The Environmental and Engineering Services Division of INCOG helps local governments manage clean water programs.  It uses CWA funding to perform waste load allocations, stream total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) and other specialized water quality studies for member governments.

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ACOG’s Water Resources Division helps local governments to maximize the use of ground and surface water resources. This includes planning, management, protection and research of potable water supplies. CWA funding is used for groundwater management and protection and surface water management.

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The Oklahoma Conservation Commission’s Water Quality Division is responsible for identifying waters impaired by nonpoint source pollution, which is pollution that comes from multiple sources, such as pesticides, fertilizers, sediment, and animal waste. Once problems are identified, they work to prioritize and implement projects to reduce the pollutants and improve water quality. OCC is also Oklahoma’s lead technical agency for wetlands.

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The Oklahoma Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Act [2 O.S. § 20-12(F)(2)] and its implementing regulations [OAC 35:17-3-11(e)(6) (H)] both require that the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry (ODAFF) annually sample monitoring wells at swine Licensed Managed Feeding Operations (LMFOs). Clean Water Act funds allow for the collection of groundwater samples at monitoring wells of LMFOs and a review of the analyzed data for indication of possible pollution. Determining the sources of pollutants in groundwater will aid ODAFF in assessing whether LMFOs negatively affect nearby groundwater quality and what actions are necessary to address such pollution.

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Oklahoma’s Water Quality Standards (WQS) were adopted by Oklahoma in accordance with the federal Clean Water Act, applicable federal regulations, and state pollution control and administrative procedure statutes. OWRB is the lead agency for WQS and use CWA funds to develop and establish those standards to ensure water quality protection across the state. CWA funds are also used to perform water quality monitoring on surface waters and for lake restoration projects.

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ODEQ is the lead state agency on drinking water, with substantial jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act for discharges, TMDLs and water quality assessments. The Water Quality Division includes programs for public water supplies as well as municipal and industrial water pollution control. They provide training and certification for drinking water and municipal wastewater operators. The Division reviews and processes all plans and specifications for water and wastewater facilities, as well as applications for water and wastewater program permits and licenses, including the licensing and regulation of septic tank cleaners.

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